Family Lives Under the Same Roof with Seven Tigers

Tiger is the largest cat species and one of the most dangerous animals in the world. But can you believe that there's a family in Maringá, Brazil who lives with seven tigers under the same roof? 

It's too extreme to put tigers inside your house and deal with them everyday but Borges family believes that the work they are doing to help the animals is a noble cause.

According to Barcroft TVAryas Borges began his love affair with tigers when he found two of this dangerous, big cats living in a bad state at a circus. He decided to bring them home and took care of them. 

Aryas has three daughters maned Nayara, 20, Uyara, 23, and Deusanira, 24. They grew up sharing their meals, beds and playtime with the fully-grown predators and walking them on a leash in their home at Maringá, Brazil. 

Nayara, dubbed as real-life female Tarzan, regularly hops into the family swimming pool to take a dip with her furry friends. 
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