This Groom Wanted to Surprise His Bride; the Outcome was Awesome

The groom, Sean Fickett, wanted to surprise his bride, Natalie. Dancing on their wedding day with his groomsmen to the tune of a top hit by One Direction was the brilliant idea. The outcome is awesome. They pulled it off nicely. 

If you are a Directioner or love One Direction, you must watch this video. It's awesome, you must share it. 

I wanted to give Natalie, my beautiful bride, an awesome gift at the wedding reception. So I asked my brother/best man, Asher, to secretly help me choreograph a dance for the groomsmen to practice at the bachelor party. Boom. She never saw it coming.
**Asher did an awesome job with the choreography. And my dad, John Fickett, did an awesome job helping with piecing the video together from different cameras.
~ Sean Fickett 
Sean's Youtube Channel ►
Music: What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
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